2021-22 GRADE 7 A B Social Science: History: The Turkish Invasion (TOPICS TAUGHT AND HOMEWORK)
23/7/2021 (7A)
26/7/2021 (7B)
Topic: The Turkish Invasion
Topic covered: Introduction to the chapter
Diagnostic Test
Useful Link: Video_1
Content analysis:
Q.1 Write short note on Prithviraj Chauhan.
Homework- Revise the topics taught from textbook and student resources given on between us.
27/7/2021 (7B)
27/7/2021 (7A)
Topic: The Turkish Invasion
Topic covered: The Advent of Arabs in Sind, Mahmud of Ghazni and his expeditions
Useful Link: Video_2
Content analysis:
Q.1 Who were the Khalifas or Caliphs?
Q 2. Who led the first Arab expedition to India?
Homework- Revise the topics taught from textbook and student resources given on between us. Underline important places in textbook and marked it on the map.
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