Question 1: Where is water from undigested food absorbed in the body?

Question 2: Where is digested food absorbed in the body?

Question 3:
Name the type of teeth which are for
  1. Chewing and grinding food
  2. Piercing and tearing food
  3. Biting and cutting food
Question 4: Name the parts of Amoeba which help it in moving and capturing food.

Question 5:
State whether the following statements are true or false
  1. The tongue helps in mixing saliva with food.
  2. Digestion of starch starts in stomach.
  3. Amino acids provide energy to our body.
The blood takes digested food to all the cells of the body..

Question 6: What do you understand by term ‘assimilation’ in the process of digestion?

Question 7: How is food ingested by Amoeba?

Question 8: What happens to food in stomach?

Question 9: Where is saliva produced? Write about its main functions.

Question 10: How is the process of digestion different in ruminants?

Question 11: What is a gall bladder? What is its role?

Question 12: How do you differentiate between absorption and assimilation?

Question 13:
Why do we get instant energy from glucose?

Question 14:
Which organ in the cow's digestive system differentiate it from that of human beings?

Question 15:
Why do vegetables and fruits keep the digestive system clean?

Question 16:
Name the following:
(a)It digests carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the small intestine.
(b) It transports the nutrients from the undigested food to every cell of the body.
(c) It breaks down starch into sugar in the mouth.
(d) It produces bile juice.
(e) It secretes pepsin.
(f) They are building blocks of proteins.
(g) It protects the lining of the stomach.
(h) It secretes pancreatic juice.

Question 17:
Where are Villi located? What is their function?

Question 18:
Why does a piece of Chapati chewed for a longer time begin to taste sweet?

Question 19:
How does the human body obtain fatty acids?

Question 20:
Describe the digestion of carbohydrates?

Question 21:
How are proteins in your food digested?

Question 22:
How is energy obtained by the cell of our body?

Question 23:
Why is the small intestine richly supplied with blood vessels?

Question 24:
Briefly describe the process of nutrition in amoeba

Question 25:
Write the functions of different types of teeth.

Question 26:
Briefly explain the process of digestion in ruminants

Question 27:
Draw a labelled diagram of human digestive system.

Question 28:
Write about the various steps involved in the process of nutrition.

Fill in the Blanks:

1.During the process of digestion carbohydrates are broken down into _________
2.During digestion Complex substance are broken down into _________
3.The organ that stores bile is _________
4.In human beings most of the nutrients are absorbed by the _________
5.The inner walls of the stomach secrete _________
6.After chewing an apple, the crushed Apple is swallowed and passed from the _________
7.The bile helps in the breakdown of _________
8.Amoeba takes in food by the use of _________
9.The engulfed food in Amoeba is trapped in the _________
10.The digested food moves from the stomach to the _________
11.During digestion proteins are broken down into _________
12.Pancreas is located just below the _________
13.Excess water in the food is absorbed in the _________
14.Grass is rich in carbohydrates known as _________
15.The digestive juice that begins the digestion of carbohydrate is _________
16.The semi digested food in the stomach called _________
17.The digestion of food completed in _________
18.During digestion fat is broken down into _________
19.Glucose combines with oxygen and produces _________
20.The process by which a living cell releases energy from glucose is called _________

1. glucose
2. Small simple molecules
3. gallbladder
4. small intestine
5. mucus and hydrochloric acid
6. mouth to oesophagus
7. fats
8. Pseudopodia
9. food vacuole
10. small intestine
11. Amino acids
12. stomach
13. large intestine
14. Cellulose
15. salivary amylase
16. Chyme
17. small intestine
18. fatty acids
19. energy
20. cellular respiration

Draw a neat and clean diagram of Amoeba showing the correct location of the following components : nucleus, vacuole, pseudopodia.

Discuss the position and number of molars in buccal cavity.
Molars are very large teeth which are present behind the premolar, towards the back of our mouth. They are only present in the permanent set of teeth and are 6 in each jaw.

Name the three digestive glands in our body.
The three digestive glands are

  1. liver
  2. Pancreas
  3. Salivary glands
The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal. Explain.
The swallowed food moves downwards in the alimentary canal because of the atternate relaxation contraction movement of muscles in the wall of foodpipe called peristalsis.

Explain how assimilation is different from absorption.
The process by which nutrients from the digested food are absorbed by the body is called absorption whereas the process by which the absorbed nutrients are utilised by the body for providing energy is called assimilation.

Label the following parts of above figure and name them.
(a) The largest gland in our body.
(b) The organ where protein digestion starts.
(c) The organ that releases digestive juice into the small intestine.
(d) The organ where bile juice gets stored. 


Column 1Column II
(a) Rectum(i) Mucus
(b) Gallbladder(ii) Villi
(c) Stomach(iii) Taste buds
(d) Tongue(iv)Faecus
(e) Small intestine(v) Bile juice
Column 1Column II
(a) Amoeba(i) ORS
(b) Incisors(ii) Bile juice storage
(c) Diarrhoea(iii) Release of faecus
(d) Fat(iv) Cud chewing animals
(e) Gall bladder(v) Pseudopodia
(f) Ruminants(vi) Cutting and biting
(g) Anus(vi) Fatty Acid and Glycerol


Question 1.
Can you tell which kind of food items are not digested easily when gall bladder of a person is removed surgically? Why?
Food items rich in fats cannot be digested easily when gall bladder of a person is removed. Gall bladder stores bile juice in concentrated form which is secreted in small intestine when needed. Bile juice breaks the larger molecules of fats into smaller one.

Question 2.
Name the part of alimentary canal where

water gets absorbed from undigested food.

  1. digested food gets absorbed.
  2. bile juice is produced.
  3. taste of the food is perceived.
  4. germs get killed.
  5. undigested food is removed.
  6. food is converted into bolus.
  7. food is converted into chyme.


  1. Large intestine
  2. Small intestine
  3. Gall bladder
  4. Tongue
  5. Stomach
  6. Anus
  7. Mouth
  8. Stomach

How food moves in the opposite direction during vomiting?
When food is not accepted by our stomach, then the wall of the alimentary canal pushes back the food in upward direction and it is vomited out.

Why it is advised not to eat hurriedly and talk or laugh while eating.
This is because inside the throat, air and food share a common passage. When we talk flap-like valve of wind pipe opens and when we eat or swallow food it remains close. When we eat hurriedly and talk or laugh while eating, the valve of windpipe get open or does not close properly. If, by chance food particles enter the windpipe, we feel choking or get hiccups.

In a birthday party, Ram filled his plate with oily and sugary food. His elder sister Sarita on seeing this interrupted him. She told him that it is not good to eat too much of this kind of food. She asked him to share that plate with his friends and suggested to include some vegetables and salads also.
(a) Why eating oily and sugary food not good for health?
(b) What is the effect of sugary food on our teeth? How we can prevent it?
(c) Where do sugary food get digested in alimentary canal?
(d) What value of Sarita is shown here?

(a) Too much sugary food and oily foods are not good for health as it causes secretion of much acid from stomach and thus causes indigestion. Sugary foods causes tooth decay, makes our stomach feel full and in long term obesity. Oily food also cause obesity and thus many health problems.
(b) Sugary food sticking to our teeth facilitates growth of harmful bacteria which break down the sugars into acids. This acid gradually damage the teeth causing tooth decay. We can prevent tooth decay by brushing our teeth at least twice a day and rinse the mouth after every meal. We must also avoid too much chocolates, sweets or sugar products as they are the major cause of tooth decay.
(c) Sugary food gets digested in small intestine.
(d) Sarita is intelligent, understanding and knows value of food so instead of throwing oily and sugary food she asked Ram to share it with his friends.

You were blindfolded and asked to identify the drinks provided in two different glasses. You could identify drink A as lime juice and B as bitter gourd juice. How could you do it inspite of being blindfolded?
Inspite of being blindfolded, one could identify two different drinks with the help of taste buds present in the tongue

‘A’ got her gall bladder removed surgically as she was diagnosed with stones in her gall bladder. After the surgery, she faced problems in digestion of certain food items when consumed in bulk. Can you tell which kind of food items would they be and why?
After surgical removal of gall bladder, ‘A’ would face problems in digestion of fat and fatty substances when consumed in bulk. This is because the bile juice stored in the gall bladder helps in digestion of fats.


MANISH took some grains of boiled rice in test tube ‘A’ and Paheli took boiled and chewed rice in test tube ‘S’. Both of them poured 1-2 drops of iodine solution into the test tube and observed the colour change. What colour change would they have observed? Give reasons for your Answer.
In test tube A, blue black colour appeared because of presence of starch.
In test tube 6, colour of iodine will not change because of digestion of starch into sugars by the action of saliva in our mouth.

Gastric glands in stomach release hydrochloric acid, enzyme pepsin and mucus. What will happen if mucus is not secreted by the gastric glands?
Mucus protects the inner lining of stomach form the action of hydrochloric acid and enzyme pepsin. If mucus is not released, it will lead to erosion of inner lining of stomach leading to acidity and ulcers.

Choose the odd one out from each group and give reasons.
(a) liver, salivary gland, starch, gall bladder
(b) stomach, liver, pancreas, salivary gland
(c) tongue, absorption, taste, swallow
(d) oesophagus, small intestine, large intestine, rectum
(a) Starch, because rest all are glands and starch is a type of carbohydrate.
(b) Stomach, because rest all are digestive glands and stomach is a digestive organ.
(c) Tongue, because rest all are digestive processes and tongue is a part of digestive system.
(d) Small intestine, because it carriers the process of digestion and rest are not involved in digestion.

Following statements describe the five steps in animal nutrition. Read each statement and give one word for each statement. Write the terms that describe each process.
(a) Transportation of absorbed food to different parts of body and their utilisation.
(b) Breaking of complex food substances into simpler and soluble substances.
(c) Removal of undigested and unabsorbed solid residues of food from the body.
(d) Taking food into the body.
(e) Transport of digested and soluble food from the intestine to blood vessels.[NCERT Exemplar]
(a) Assimilation
(b) Digestion
(c) Egestion
(d) Ingestion

(e) Absorption

Cellulose rich food substances are good source of roughage in human beings. Justify. [HOTS]
Cellulose rich food substances are good source of roughage in human beings. It is because the cellulose digesting bacteria are not present in the body of human beings due to which human beings cannot digest cellulose (present in plant foods).


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