GRADE 7 A B C English Grammar COMPREHENSION , CH-20 ,21 AND 22

 DATE:- 26/4/2021


CONTENT  TAUGHT- Reading of Comprehension-1  from Grammar T.B


Answer the questions from comprehension


Complete Grammar T.B. exercises of comprehension -1

 DATE:- 28/4/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Pronouns and it's kinds, Grammar  t.b page no.(52-54)

Diagnostic test 

 Personal pronoun

 Demonstrative pronoun 

 Interrogative pronoun 

 Possessive pronoun 

Learning Outcomes:

 The student will be able to:

Identify personal pronouns

Identify demonstrative pronouns

Identify interrogative pronouns 

Identify possessive pronouns 

Comprehend the functions of the different kinds of pronouns 

Use the different kinds of pronouns appropriately in sentences

HOMEWORK- Revise different kinds of Pronouns


DATE:- 29/4/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Other kinds of Pronouns as- 

Reflexive pronoun

Emphatic Pronoun

Relative Pronoun

Learning Outcomes

The student will be able to: 

Identify reflexive pronouns 

Identify emphatic pronouns 

Identify relative pronouns 

Comprehend the function of the different kinds of pronouns

Difference between Reflexive and Emphatic pronouns 

HOMEWORK- Do Ex- 1 & 2 of Grammar T.B

DATE:- 30/4/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT- Discussion of textual exercise was done.

HOMEWORK- Complete the T.B work

Ch-20 Pronouns Textual Answers:

 1. Identify the Demonstrative Adjectives (DA) and Demonstrative Pronouns (DP) in the following sentences.

a. This - DP, those – DA

b. These - DP, those – DA

 c. This – DA

d. That - DA, this – DP

e. This – DP

2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate interrogative pronouns.

 a. Who          b. What           c. Which             d. whom

3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate reflexive or emphatic pronouns.

a. Herself          b. themselves            c. ourselves         d. himself         e. myself           f. myself

 4. Read the following sentences. Use suitable pronouns to replace the underlined words.   a. his        b. hers          c. theirs         d. yours         e. mine

5. Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns.

 a. which           b. Wherever         c. Whoever            d. whom           e. who

6. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word in the sentences of the paragraph, along with the word that comes before and after in the space provided.

                                                                  Before         Missing word             After

Ms Ria and a friend of came to the classroom.              of                 hers                    Came

Ms Ria spoke first. congratulated the                            first              she                    congratulated students won the elocution competition.                     Students        who                      Won

Her friend asked to bring a list of things for c.            asked              us                      To

 for tomorrows’ craft competition. were excited d.    Competition      we                   Were

DATE:- 14/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Adjectives and  it's kinds, Grammar  t.b page no.(58-59)

Diagnostic test 

 Adjective of Quality

 Adjective of Quantity 

 Adjective of Number 

Learning Outcomes:

 The student will be able to:

 Identify different kinds of adjectives and the difference between them

Comprehend the functions of the different kinds of adjectives

HOMEWORKRevise different kinds of Adjectives.


DATE:- 15/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Adjectives and  it's kinds, Grammar  t.b page no.(60)

Definite numeral adjective

 Indefinite numeral adjective

 Distributive numeral adjective 

 Possessive adjective

Demonstrative adjective

Interrogative adjective

Proper adjective

Participial adjective

 Learning Outcomes:

 The student will be able to:

 Identify different kinds of Adjectives of number

Difference between Adjective of Quantity and Indefinite Numeral Adjective

HOME WORK- Revise Different kinds of adjectives and do T.b exercise 1 ,2 and 3 given on page no. 60-61

DATE:- 16/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Formation of adjectives and Degrees of comparison Grammar  t.b page no.(61-62)

Positive degree

Comparative degree

Superlative degree

Learning Outcomes:

 The student will be able to:

 Learn the rules to form adjectives from nouns verbs and adjectives.

Learn to change degrees of comparing adjectives 

Home work- Do T.b exercise 1& 2 given on page 63 & 64

DATE:- 17/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Different degrees of adjectives and  Discussion of Textual exercise(65-66)

 Textual exercise 1,2,3 & 4

DATE:- 22/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Different Kinds of adjectives through You tube video

HOME WORK- Please Watch this video for quick revision of ch-21 Adjectives

DATE:- 24/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-  Determiners  T.B Page no.(68-69)


Demonstrative adjectives

 Possessive adjectives 




 Other words

 Learning Outcomes:

 The student will be able to:

 Identify  and classify the different kinds of determiners

HOME WORK- Revise Different kinds of Determiners and do T.b exercise 1 ,2  given on page no.-69

DATE:- 25/6/2021


CONTENT TAUGHT-   Recapitulation of Determiners  T.B Page no.(70) and discussion of textual exercises.

HOME WORK- Revise Different kinds of Determiners


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