Social Science Tropical and sub-tropical regions

 Ch.11 Tropical and Sub-tropical regions as on 1.1.21

Topics covered as on 1.1.21

  • Tropical region-Amazon basin
  • Climate of Amazon basin
  • Natural vegetation and wildlife.

Content analysis.

Q.1 Define equatorial region.
Q.2 What is meant by Selvas?

Topics covered as on 4.1.21

  • Wildlife in Amazon basin
  • Life style of people

Content analysis.

Q.1Name some plants which grow in Amazon forests?
Q.2Explain the unique condition of rainforests?
Q.3 Name some animals living in Amazon forests.

Topics covered as on 6.1.21

  • Tropical region Ganga-Brahmaputra basin.
  • Tributaries of river Ganga with the help of map.


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