Social Studies Revision as on 7.10.20

  •  Answer these.

Q.1 How is governor appointed?      3 MARKS

Q.2 Differentiate between federal government and state government.  3MARKS

Q.3 Explain in detail on organs of government.   3MARKS.

Q.4 Differentiate between legislative assembly and legislative council.   5 MARKS

Q.5 What do you mean by civil service and explain some with example.   3MARKS

Q.6 Explain the process of recruitment of civil service?  3MARKS

Q.7 Briefly explain about Advocate general.   5MARKS

Q.8 Explain in detail the division of power by the constitution of India     5 MARKS.

Q.9 Explain the composition of legislative assembly and council.           5 MARKS

Q.10 Explain the qualification for the membership of MLA.   5MARKS

Q.11 Explain the role of presiding officer of legislative council and assembly?   3MARKS

Q.12 Explain the power and function of Legislative council.   5 MARKS.

Q.13 Explain functions and power of Legislative assembly.  5 MARKS

Q.14 Explain the power of governor.   5MARKS.


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