Science Nutrition in plants Test

Nutrition in Animals

1.The mode of taking food in the body is _______.
2. In the process of _______ food is broken down into simpler substances.
3.The ________ canal starts with the mouth and ends in the anus.
4._______ glands are present in mouth.
5.Saliva helps in the digestion of _______ in food.
6._____ are the sensory cells present in the mouth.
7.The digestive juices of stomach digest the _______in mouth.
8.The ________ released by the bacteria in mouth causes tooth decay.
9.Liver secretes __________and helps in the digestion of ___________ in the food.
10.Faecal matter is removed from the body by the. process of _________.

Q 2 Name the following-
1.Four types of teeth.
2.Digestive glands in human body
3.Acid produced in stomach.
4.Scientist who discovered working of stomach.
5.The sac like structure present between large intestine and small intestine in ruminants.


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