Second term Syllabus std-7

Std – 7 2nd Term Syllabus &10% of 1st Term
English Prose: Dr.Anandibai Joshi,The Blue Carbuncle,Desalination,Tale of Two Cities
Poetry:The Charge of the Light Brigade,The Walrus and the Carpenter,Bangle Sellers ,The Ballad of Father Gilligan, SR:Ch1-14, Grammar: Prepositions, Conjunctions, Punctuation,Direct and Indirect Speech, Active and Passive Voice, Prefix and Suffix, Transformation of Sentences,Tenses, Idioms Composition:Comprehension,Descriptive Writing,Letter Writing (Formal),Email Writing,Speech Writing,Report Writing, Article Writing ,Story Writing
Math – Percentage, Profit and Loss, Simple Interest, Geometrical Constructions (Subtopic: Construction of parallel lines using ruler and set squares omitted), 3-D Visualisation, Bar Graphs, Sets and Venn Diagrams, Congruence of Triangles, Ratio, Proportion and Unitary Method, Data Handling and Probability,: Perimeter and Area, Rational Numbers, Algebraic Expressions
Science - The Chemical Rainbow-Acids,Bases and Salts,The Science of Change, The Treasure Beneath Our Feet
 Respiring-The Secret of Life, The Duration of Motion, Rivers Of Life, Continuity in Plant Life, The Blue Wealth,The Radiance of Light, The Divine Forests, The Spark of Electricity, Wastewater Management
Social Science - India after the Mughals, Towns, Traders and Artisans, Tribes and Tribal Societies, Democracy and Media, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife, Human Settlements, Transport and Communication, Tropical and SubTropical Regions, Religious Movements in Medieval Period, Magnum Opus of Medieval India, An Architectural Trail, Brands, Advertising and Democracy, Indian Markets, Life in Temperate Grasslands, Life in Desert Region, Disaster Management, The Revelation  of Medieval India, The State Government, Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
Hindi – पाठ - पनडुब्बा जहाज,श्वेत क्रांति के जनक  ,जवाहरलाल नेहरू के पत्र,मेरीकर्नाटक यात्रा,खेल और खिलाड़ी, कविता रहीम के दोहे,कल्पना की कल्पना ,इसे जगाओ,सावन व्याकरण लिंग,क्रिया,काल,अविकारी,अशुध्दि-शोधन,अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द,विराम-चिह्न, संज्ञा, वचन, कारक, सर्वनाम, विशेषण,लोकक्तियाँ, रचना अपठित गद्यांश (पुन:अभ्यास),अपठित पद्यांश (पुन:अभ्यास)संवाद-लेखन ,अनुच्छेद-लेखन,निबंध-लेखन,पत्र-लेखन औपचारिक,  अनौपचारिक) (पुन:अभ्यास),कहानी-लेखन(पुन:अभ्यास)  कहानी(लहर) शोर ,आत्मनिर्भरता Computer - More on HTML, Introduction to ‘C’ language,  Moving ahead with Scratch 2.0


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