Geography Ch- Tropical and Sub –Tropical Regions (Extra questions)

Ch- Tropical and Sub –Tropical Regions

1. Where is the Amazon Basin situated?
Situated in South America, lies between the Guiana Highlands in the north and the Brazilian Highlands in the South.

2. In which countries does the Amazon Basin lie?
Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana and Surinam.

3. How many tributaries does the Amazon River have?
It has 1000 tributaries.

4. What leads to the formation of an alluvial plain in the Amazon River?
Seasonal flooding of River Amazon and its tributaries leads to deposition of alluvium.

5. What type of climatic conditions does the Amazon Basin experience throughout the year?
It experiences hot and wet climatic conditions throughout the year.

6. Why does the humidity level remain high in the Amazon Basin?
Since it is cloudy all round the year.

7. What are selvas?
The dense evergreen equatorial forest

8. What are vines from equatorial forests used for?
They are used as food, medicine and even construction material.

9. How many varieties of fish are found in the Amazon Basin?
Over 2000 varieties of fish

10. Why is the floor in the Amazon Basin dense, dark and damp?
The closely placed hardwood trees with broad leaves form a thick canopy on the top. As a result, sunlight cannot reach the forest floor which makes the floor dense, dark and damp.

11. Name some of the tribal groups that live in the Amazon Basin?
Yanomani, Kanoe and Akuntsa.

12. What type of agriculture is followed by the tribes in the Amazon Basin?
Slash and burn agriculture

13. Name some of the plants that are grown in the Amazon Basin for commercial purposes?
Rubber, cocoa, coffee and nuts.

14. Why is it difficult to build road and rail network in the Amazon Basin?
Due to the presence of dense forest and swamps.

15. Name the road linking the Atlantic port of Recife to Peru?
The Trans –Amazonian Highway.

16. Why are waterways the most common mode of transport in the Amazon Basin?
The presence of dense forests and swamps in the Amazon Basin makes it difficult to build road and Rail network in the region. Rivers are the most vital mode of transport.

17. Name one of the largest river basins in the world?
The Ganga- Brahmaputra basin

18. Name some of the states in which the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin lie?
Delhi, Uttar –Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Sikkim and Arunachal Pradesh.

19. Where does river Ganga originate?
Gangotri glacier

20. How is the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin formed?
It is formed by the alluvial deposits brought down from the Himalayas by the rivers belonging to two river systems –Indus and Ganga –Brahmaputra.

21. What is the climate of the Ganga –Brahmaputra basin?
The Ganga- Brahmaputra basin has a monsoon type climate which is characterized by hot and dry summers, cold winters, humid and wet monsoon.

22. Why is there a massive loss of life and property in the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin?
Tropical cyclones area regular feature in the delta region that causes massive loss of life and property.

23. Why does the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin have a well defined rainy season?
The Ganga- Brahmaputra basin has a well defined rainy season because of the Southwest monsoon, which occurs from June to September.

24. Where does the Sunderban Delta lie? Which river is formed by the joining of the Ganga –Brahmaputra river? (F) The Sunderban Delta lies in Bangladesh. The river formed by the joining of the Ganga- Brahmaputra river is known as the Padma.

25. Name some of the trees found in the tropical deciduous forests of the Ganga- Brahmaputra basin. Teak, Sal, mahua, peepal, bamboo etc.

26. From which tree is the name Sunderbans derived from?
The name Sunderbans is derived from the Sundari trees.

27. What type of agriculture do the people in the Ganga –Brahmaputra valley practice?
The people in the Ganga- Brahmaputra valley practice intensive agriculture.

28. Which crop is grown in the summer by farmers in the Ganga- Brahmaputra region?
Farmers grow the kharif or summer crop in the Ganga –Brahmaputra region.

29. Why is there a rapid growth of industry in the Ganga- Brahmaputra region?
A developed network of transport and communication has facilitated rapid development of trade, industry and tourism in the Ganga –Brahmaputra region.

30. What impact has human activities had on the Ganga- Brahmaputra rivers?
Human activities have polluted the Ganga –Brahmaputra Rivers.

31. Why are there many agro based industries in the Ganga –Brahmaputra region?
Since the region is very fertile and the yield per acre is high, there is establishment of many agro based industries in this region.

32. The sunlight does not reach the ground in rainforest. Why?
The forest is in fact so thick that dense roof created by leaves and branches does not allow the sunlight to reach the ground.

33.  Why  are rainforests are depleting?
There was a time when thegreen beltof rainforests covered about 12-14% of Earth’s land surface. Large-scale developmental activities have led to the clearing of large tracts of land in the rainforests (for example, clearing of land for agriculture, cattlepasture, wood, mining and road building). Today, the rainforests cover only about 2-6% of the Earth’s land surface. Due to constant deforestation, the top soil which is held together by the trees gets washed away as the rains fall. As a result, the once lush green forestschangeinto barren landscapes.

34. Why Paddy is grown in the Ganga-Brahmaputra plains.
The Ganga-Brahmaputra plains provide flat, fertile land for the cultivationof crops. The amount of rainfall in this region is also quite high, which makes it a suitable place for the growth of paddy a crop that requires sufficient water.


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