Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (Extra Questions)
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife (Extra Questions)
1. What do you mean by natural vegetation?
Natural vegetation, also known as virgin vegetation, refers to plant life on the Earth’s surface that has grown without any human intervention.
2. What are the three types of natural vegetation?
The three types of natural vegetation are Xerophytes, Hygrophytes and Mesophytes.
3. What are Mesophytes?
Mesophytes include pines and oaks and tomatoes and mangoes.
4. Where does most of the earth’s forest cover lie?
Most of the earth’s forest cover lies in the tropical region.
5. Why forests are important to both Human beings and animals?
Forests are important to animals because they are their natural habitat. Human get a variety of products from forests.
6. Why do tropical forests remain green throughout the year?
Since tropical forests receive rain throughout the year they remain green throughout the year.
7. Why dose sunlight not penetrate in the tropical forests?
The branches of the trees overlap each other thus preventing the sunlight from penetrating.
8. What are the commonly found trees in the tropical evergreen forests?
The commonly found trees in the tropical evergreen forests are the mahogany, ebony, rosewood, rubber, cinchona, bamboos, palms, ferns, lianas, orchids etc.
9. What are the three categories of forests?
The three categories of forest are tropical, temperate and coniferous forests
10.What does the word forest mean? (F) The word forest comes from the Latin word foris which means outside the village boundary.
11. What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a complex functional unit that arises from interaction between various biotic and abiotic elements in a given area.
12. How would you explain a biome?
Each natural vegetation zone has flora and fauna unique to a particular area, hence it is known as biome.
13. Why do we find creepers in tropical evergreen forests?
Since very little sunlight reaches the floor of tropical ever green forests we find creepers in these forests.
14. What are tropical deciduous forests also known as?
Tropical deciduous forests are also known as monsoon forests.
15. How are the trees in tropical deciduous forests?
The trees in tropical deciduous forests are of medium height and widely spaced with broad leaves.
16. Why are tropical deciduous forests declining?
Because of the incessant cutting of trees the tropical deciduous forests are declining continuously.
17. Where are temperate evergreen forests located?
Temperate evergreen forests are located along the eastern margins of continents.
18. What type of climatic conditions do these forests face?
These forests experience warm summers, cool winters and uniformly distributed rains throughout the year.
19. What types of trees are found in these forests?
Trees like oak, wattle; walnut, camphor and mulberry are found in these forests.
20. Why are the trees of temperate evergreen forest useful for commercial purposes?
Trees of the temperate evergreen forests are of hardwood such as the pine, spruce and the fir and therefore these trees are useful for commercial purposes.
21. Do temperate evergreen forests have wide variety of wildlife? What are some of the animals found there?
Yes temperate evergreen forests have a wide variety of wildlife. Animals like antelopes, bears, wolves, panda, rodents like beavers, mice, porcupines, chipmunks, marsupials, etc, and a wide variety of birds.
22. What type of climatic conditions do trees in colder regions have to face?
The trees in colder regions have to face climatic condition like severe cold winters and short summers.
23. How does climatic condition affect the type of trees that grow in particular region?
The climatic condition affects the height to which a tree would grow and the types of leaves on a particular tree.
24. How many seasons do deciduous forests face?
Deciduous forests face four main seasons.
25. Where are the temperate deciduous forests situated?
Temperate deciduous forests are situated along the coastal belts of cool climatic regions.
26. Name some of the trees that are found in the temperate deciduous forests?
Some of the trees found in the temperate deciduous forests are oak, ash, elm, maple, redwood, poplar, chestnut, cherry, sweet gum, huckleberries, rhododrenons etc.
27. Where are the Mediterranean forests situated?
The Mediterranean forest are mainly situated in the warm temperate regions.
28. Why are the trees in the Mediterranean forests short and widely spaced?
The trees in the Mediterranean forests are short and widely spaced because the summers are hot and dry.
29. What are Mediterranean forests also called?
Mediterranean forests are also called as ‘Orchards of the Earth.’
30. Why are large areas of temperate deciduous forests cleared?
These forests lie in climatic zones that are suitable for human settlement, and therefore many of these forests are cleared.
31. Why has the natural habitat of animals in the Mediterranean region been destroyed?
Clearing of forests for the purpose of setting up orchards has destroyed the natural habitat of the animals.
32. Why do the roots of Coniferous trees spread out horizontally?
The roots of Coniferous trees spread out horizontally to overcome the issue of freezing sub soil in winters.
33. What products are made out of Coniferous trees?
Products such as sports goods, matchsticks, furniture, doors, papers etc. are made out of Coniferous trees.
34. What is the chief occupation of people living in the Coniferous region?
Lumbering is the chief occupation of the people residing in this region.
35. How is the structure of Coniferous trees suited to the climatic condition existent there?
The trees of coniferous forests are tall, straight and evergreen with narrow needle like leaves. The needle-like leaves have a waxy coat that prevents water loss and the branches are soft and flexible, pointing downwards so that snow can easily slide off. The roots tend to spread out horizontally to overcome the issue of freezing sub soil in winters.
36. How do the baobab and the acacia survive in the tropical grasslands?
The baobab or the bottle tree can store water inside its trunk and the acacia has small leaves that reduce transpiration. This enables these trees to survive.
37. Where in India are tropical grasslands located?
Tropical grasslands are located in the Deccan Plateau and the Terai region.
38. Why does the grass in the tropical grasslands survive in winter?
The grass in the tropical grasslands have long roots that help them in surviving in the winter drought.
39. Factors responsible for distribution of flora and fauna in India:
India is one of the twelve mega bio-diversity countries of the world having a wide spread plant and animal species. The various factors responsible for the distribution of plants and animals (flora and fauna) on the earth and also in India can be listed as below -
(a) Relief including land, soil type, drainage etc.
(b) Climate which include temperature, photoperiod, precipitation etc.
1. What do you mean by natural vegetation?
Natural vegetation, also known as virgin vegetation, refers to plant life on the Earth’s surface that has grown without any human intervention.
2. What are the three types of natural vegetation?
The three types of natural vegetation are Xerophytes, Hygrophytes and Mesophytes.
3. What are Mesophytes?
Mesophytes include pines and oaks and tomatoes and mangoes.
4. Where does most of the earth’s forest cover lie?
Most of the earth’s forest cover lies in the tropical region.
5. Why forests are important to both Human beings and animals?
Forests are important to animals because they are their natural habitat. Human get a variety of products from forests.
6. Why do tropical forests remain green throughout the year?
Since tropical forests receive rain throughout the year they remain green throughout the year.
7. Why dose sunlight not penetrate in the tropical forests?
The branches of the trees overlap each other thus preventing the sunlight from penetrating.
8. What are the commonly found trees in the tropical evergreen forests?
The commonly found trees in the tropical evergreen forests are the mahogany, ebony, rosewood, rubber, cinchona, bamboos, palms, ferns, lianas, orchids etc.
9. What are the three categories of forests?
The three categories of forest are tropical, temperate and coniferous forests
10.What does the word forest mean? (F) The word forest comes from the Latin word foris which means outside the village boundary.
11. What is an ecosystem?
An ecosystem is a complex functional unit that arises from interaction between various biotic and abiotic elements in a given area.
12. How would you explain a biome?
Each natural vegetation zone has flora and fauna unique to a particular area, hence it is known as biome.
13. Why do we find creepers in tropical evergreen forests?
Since very little sunlight reaches the floor of tropical ever green forests we find creepers in these forests.
14. What are tropical deciduous forests also known as?
Tropical deciduous forests are also known as monsoon forests.
15. How are the trees in tropical deciduous forests?
The trees in tropical deciduous forests are of medium height and widely spaced with broad leaves.
16. Why are tropical deciduous forests declining?
Because of the incessant cutting of trees the tropical deciduous forests are declining continuously.
17. Where are temperate evergreen forests located?
Temperate evergreen forests are located along the eastern margins of continents.
18. What type of climatic conditions do these forests face?
These forests experience warm summers, cool winters and uniformly distributed rains throughout the year.
19. What types of trees are found in these forests?
Trees like oak, wattle; walnut, camphor and mulberry are found in these forests.
20. Why are the trees of temperate evergreen forest useful for commercial purposes?
Trees of the temperate evergreen forests are of hardwood such as the pine, spruce and the fir and therefore these trees are useful for commercial purposes.
21. Do temperate evergreen forests have wide variety of wildlife? What are some of the animals found there?
Yes temperate evergreen forests have a wide variety of wildlife. Animals like antelopes, bears, wolves, panda, rodents like beavers, mice, porcupines, chipmunks, marsupials, etc, and a wide variety of birds.
22. What type of climatic conditions do trees in colder regions have to face?
The trees in colder regions have to face climatic condition like severe cold winters and short summers.
23. How does climatic condition affect the type of trees that grow in particular region?
The climatic condition affects the height to which a tree would grow and the types of leaves on a particular tree.
24. How many seasons do deciduous forests face?
Deciduous forests face four main seasons.
25. Where are the temperate deciduous forests situated?
Temperate deciduous forests are situated along the coastal belts of cool climatic regions.
26. Name some of the trees that are found in the temperate deciduous forests?
Some of the trees found in the temperate deciduous forests are oak, ash, elm, maple, redwood, poplar, chestnut, cherry, sweet gum, huckleberries, rhododrenons etc.
27. Where are the Mediterranean forests situated?
The Mediterranean forest are mainly situated in the warm temperate regions.
28. Why are the trees in the Mediterranean forests short and widely spaced?
The trees in the Mediterranean forests are short and widely spaced because the summers are hot and dry.
29. What are Mediterranean forests also called?
Mediterranean forests are also called as ‘Orchards of the Earth.’
30. Why are large areas of temperate deciduous forests cleared?
These forests lie in climatic zones that are suitable for human settlement, and therefore many of these forests are cleared.
31. Why has the natural habitat of animals in the Mediterranean region been destroyed?
Clearing of forests for the purpose of setting up orchards has destroyed the natural habitat of the animals.
32. Why do the roots of Coniferous trees spread out horizontally?
The roots of Coniferous trees spread out horizontally to overcome the issue of freezing sub soil in winters.
33. What products are made out of Coniferous trees?
Products such as sports goods, matchsticks, furniture, doors, papers etc. are made out of Coniferous trees.
34. What is the chief occupation of people living in the Coniferous region?
Lumbering is the chief occupation of the people residing in this region.
35. How is the structure of Coniferous trees suited to the climatic condition existent there?
The trees of coniferous forests are tall, straight and evergreen with narrow needle like leaves. The needle-like leaves have a waxy coat that prevents water loss and the branches are soft and flexible, pointing downwards so that snow can easily slide off. The roots tend to spread out horizontally to overcome the issue of freezing sub soil in winters.
36. How do the baobab and the acacia survive in the tropical grasslands?
The baobab or the bottle tree can store water inside its trunk and the acacia has small leaves that reduce transpiration. This enables these trees to survive.
37. Where in India are tropical grasslands located?
Tropical grasslands are located in the Deccan Plateau and the Terai region.
38. Why does the grass in the tropical grasslands survive in winter?
The grass in the tropical grasslands have long roots that help them in surviving in the winter drought.
39. Factors responsible for distribution of flora and fauna in India:
India is one of the twelve mega bio-diversity countries of the world having a wide spread plant and animal species. The various factors responsible for the distribution of plants and animals (flora and fauna) on the earth and also in India can be listed as below -
(a) Relief including land, soil type, drainage etc.
(b) Climate which include temperature, photoperiod, precipitation etc.
40. Distinguish between(i) Flora and fauna(ii) Tropical Evergreen and Deciduous forests.
Ans: (i)Flora - Flora is the term used for the total vegetation or plant cover of a region. This includes flowering and non-flowering plants of all types and sizes.
Fauna - It is the term used to refer to all the varieties of animals found in an area. Thus, fauna is the animal life of a given area.
Ans: (ii)Tropical Evergreen ForestFeatures• Found in the areas having heavy rainfall, more than 200 cm with short or no dry season. Warm and wet throughout the year.• Luxuriant vegetation comprising trees, shrubs, and creepers giving a multilayered structure.• Trees don’t shed leaves at a time appear green all the year.• The thick canopies don’t allow the sunlight to penetrate the forests even during the daytime.FloraEbony, Mahogany, Rosewood, Rubber and Cinchona.FaunaElephant, Monkey, One-horned rhinoceros, Deer, different types of Birds, Reptiles, Bats, Scorpions etc.OccurrenceRainy parts of Western Ghats, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, upper parts of Assam, Tamil Nadu Coast, some parts of Maharashtra, Kerala, Goa etc.
Tropical Deciduous ForestFeatures• Most wide spread vegetation type in India.• Rainfall between 200 - 70 cm.• These regions experiences seasonal changes.• Trees shed their leaves in the dry season and conserve water.• On the basis of the availability of water these forests are further are subdivided into moist and dry deciduous.Flora• Commercially significant hardwood trees are found here.• Teak is the most dominant species. Others are Bamboos, Sal, Shisham, Sandalwood, Khair, Neem, Kusum etc.FaunaLion, Tiger, Pig, Elephant, Deer, variety of Birds, Lizards, Snakes and Insects etc.OccurrenceNortheastern states, Foothills of Himalayas, Jharkhand, West Orissa, Chhattisgarh, rainier parts of Peninsular Plateaus, eastern slopes of Western Ghats, Plains of Bihar and U.P.
41. Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna?
Ans: India has all the major physical features i.e. topography varying from mountains, plains, desserts, plateaus, islands etc. The different regions of the country have different soil types. Though India has an essentially monsoon type of climate, it has great variations in temperature and humidity across the country. Each of the factors responsible for the diversity in flora and fauna such as land, soil, temperature, photo-period, precipitation etc. is variation across the length and breadth of the country. As a result of which India has got rich heritage of flora and fauna.
Ans: (i)Flora - Flora is the term used for the total vegetation or plant cover of a region. This includes flowering and non-flowering plants of all types and sizes.
Fauna - It is the term used to refer to all the varieties of animals found in an area. Thus, fauna is the animal life of a given area.
Ans: (ii)Tropical Evergreen ForestFeatures• Found in the areas having heavy rainfall, more than 200 cm with short or no dry season. Warm and wet throughout the year.• Luxuriant vegetation comprising trees, shrubs, and creepers giving a multilayered structure.• Trees don’t shed leaves at a time appear green all the year.• The thick canopies don’t allow the sunlight to penetrate the forests even during the daytime.FloraEbony, Mahogany, Rosewood, Rubber and Cinchona.FaunaElephant, Monkey, One-horned rhinoceros, Deer, different types of Birds, Reptiles, Bats, Scorpions etc.OccurrenceRainy parts of Western Ghats, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep, upper parts of Assam, Tamil Nadu Coast, some parts of Maharashtra, Kerala, Goa etc.
Tropical Deciduous ForestFeatures• Most wide spread vegetation type in India.• Rainfall between 200 - 70 cm.• These regions experiences seasonal changes.• Trees shed their leaves in the dry season and conserve water.• On the basis of the availability of water these forests are further are subdivided into moist and dry deciduous.Flora• Commercially significant hardwood trees are found here.• Teak is the most dominant species. Others are Bamboos, Sal, Shisham, Sandalwood, Khair, Neem, Kusum etc.FaunaLion, Tiger, Pig, Elephant, Deer, variety of Birds, Lizards, Snakes and Insects etc.OccurrenceNortheastern states, Foothills of Himalayas, Jharkhand, West Orissa, Chhattisgarh, rainier parts of Peninsular Plateaus, eastern slopes of Western Ghats, Plains of Bihar and U.P.
41. Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna?
Ans: India has all the major physical features i.e. topography varying from mountains, plains, desserts, plateaus, islands etc. The different regions of the country have different soil types. Though India has an essentially monsoon type of climate, it has great variations in temperature and humidity across the country. Each of the factors responsible for the diversity in flora and fauna such as land, soil, temperature, photo-period, precipitation etc. is variation across the length and breadth of the country. As a result of which India has got rich heritage of flora and fauna.
42. In which climatic conditions, citrus fruits are cultivated?
Climatic conditions for cultivation of citrus fruits are :
(i) Hot dry summers (ii) Rainy mild winters.
Climatic conditions for cultivation of citrus fruits are :
(i) Hot dry summers (ii) Rainy mild winters.
43. Where are temperate grasslands located in India?
Temperate grasslands are
located in the Himalayan region in India.
44. Why does the temperate grasslands region have a flourishing dairy industry?
grasses in the temperate grassland region are short but loaded with nutrients and
that is why these regions have a flourishing dairy industries.
45. Which crops are grown in the temperate grasslands region?
Wheat and corn are
grown in the temperate grasslands region.
46. Why grasslands have an abundance of grass and very few trees?
grasslands receive very little rainfall and thus it cannot support big trees. Hence it
has more grass and fewer trees.
47. ‘The grasslands support a variety of wildlife’. Explain this statement by listing out the variety
of wildlife found in the grasslands.
The tropical grasslands are home to a wide
variety of animals and birds such as lions, cheetahs, panthers, leopards, hyenas,
jackals, monkeys, zebras, giraffes, elephants, gazelles, rhinoceros, ostrich, rhea, etc.
Antelopes, buffaloes, zebras, leopards, rabbits, wild asses, marsupials, kangaroo and
flightless birds like emu inhabit the temperate grasslands. Thus the grasslands
support a variety of wildlife.
48. Name one tropical desert in Australia?
The Great Australian desert is a tropical desert in Australia.
49. Why can only xerophytic plants adapt themselves in tropical deserts?
Due to the scarcity of water only xerophytic plants can adapt themselves to tropical deserts.
50. What are the climatic conditions in the tropical deserts?
The region receives extremely high temperature and receives scanty rainfall.
51. Where are temperate deserts located?
Temperate deserts are located in the
interiors of Asian and South American continent.
52. What vegetation is found in temperate deserts?
Cactus, acacia, date palms and
thorny bushes are some of the commonly found species.
53. Name one temperate desert in South America?
The Patagonian desert is a
temperate desert in South America.
54. Where are Tundra deserts located?
Tundra deserts are located in Canada,
Alaska, Greenland and Eurasia.
55. What is permafrost?
In the Tundra desert region the ground remains covered
with a thick layer of ice known as permafrost.
56. How do animals in the Tundra region survive the harsh climate?
The animals either have a furry coat or thick layer of fat that helps them to survive the harsh
57. Why there is paucity of water in desert regions?
Desert regions receive
very less rain. These regions lose more water through evaporation than what they
receive through precipitation.
58. Why the type and thickness of vegetation changes from place to place.
Answer: The type and thickness of vegetation changes from place to place, because of the variation in temperature, moisture, slop and thickness of soil.
Thanks Maam