Integrated Project of History

Integrated Project of History
Topic: Migration-When leaving is not an option but a necessity

Objective: To ………
·       explore reasons and patterns of early human migration around the world
·       make a timeline of the important events related to migration of early humans
·       describe trends of internal human migration in India
·       elucidate migration as result of natural disasters, education, occupation and wars in modern times

Materials Required:

1.     Information related to the topic.
2.     Pictures related to the topic.
3.     A pair of scissors, pencils, sketch pens, glue and decorative materials
4.     Scrapbook (quarter piece chart papers bound together with a ribbon)
students will divide into groups.
Students will write the following collected information in the scrap book:
1.     Reasons and patterns of early human migration around the world
2.     Make a timeline of the important events related to migration of early humans
3.     Trends of internal human migration in India
4.     Migration as result of natural disasters, education, occupation and wars in modern times.


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