Cycle Test-4 Syllabus

Cycle Test-4 Syllabus

v Ch5:  Introduction to ‘C’ language
v Ch 6: Moving ahead with Scratch 2.0
IA-Practical 4: Moving ahead with Scratch 2.0


v Prose: The Blue Carbuncle
v Grammar: Prefix and Suffix
v Composition: Article Writing
v Comprehension: Are Cell Phones Dangerous?
v Poetry: The Charge of the Light Brigade
v Composition: Speech Writing
v Grammar: Antonyms and Synonyms
v Practice Sheet:  07
v SR: Ch 12
v Enrichment Activity 4: Aural
v Prose: Desalination
v Grammar: Idioms
v Composition: Report Writing
v Comprehension: The Serengiti Ecosystem
v Poetry: The Walrus and the Carpenter
v Grammar: Transformation of Sentences
v Composition: Story Writing
v SR: Ch 13 and 14
v Comprehension: Landing on the Hudson
v Practice Sheet:  08

v Chapter 15: Percentage
v Chapter 16: Profit and Loss
v Chapter 17: Simple Interest
v Chapter 12: Geometrical Constructions
v Chapter 11: 3D Visualisation
v Enrichment Activity (EA) 4: Math Lab Activity on 3-D Visualisation
v Chapter 19: Bar Graphs
v Chapter 20: Sets and Venn Diagrams
v Mental Math – 4
v Revision Test – 4

v Ch 12. Life in Temperate Grasslands
v Ch 13. Life in Desert Region
v Ch 14. Disaster Management
v Enrichment Activity 4: Newspaper Article Analysis - Disaster Management
v Revision Test  4
v History:  Ch 9. Religious Movements in Medieval Period
v Civics: Ch 18. Brands, Advertising and Democracy
v History: Ch 10. Magnum Opus of Medieval India
v Civics: Ch 19. Indian Markets
v History:  Ch 11. An Architectural Trail
v Revision Test 4
v Chapter 18: The Blue Wealth
v Chapter 17: The Radiance of Light
v Enrichment Activity – 4 (Lab Activity)
v Chapter 19: The Divine Forests
v Chapter 16: The Spark of Electricity
v Chapter 20: Wastewater Management
v Practice Sheet 4


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