So. Science Term II Syllabus

So. Science Term II Syllabus


v  Integrated Project
v  Ch 8. Natural Vegetation and Wildlife
v  Ch 9. Human Settlements
v  Ch 10. Transport and Communication
v  Ch 11. Tropical and Sub-Tropical Regions
v  Revision Test  3
v  Ch 12. Life in Temperate Grasslands
v  Ch 13. Life in Desert Region
v  Ch 14. Disaster Management
v  Enrichment Activity 4: Newspaper Article Analysis - Disaster Management
v  Revision Test  4

History and Civics

v  Integrated Project
v  History: Ch 6. India after the Mughals
v  History:  Ch 7. Towns, Traders and Artisans
v  Enrichment Activity 3: Map Work - Towns, Traders and Artisans
v  Civics: Ch 17. Democracy and Media
v  History: Ch 8. Tribes and Tribal Societies
v  Revision Test 3
v  History:  Ch 9. Religious Movements in Medieval Period
v  Civics: Ch 18. Brands, Advertising and Democracy
v  History: Ch 10. Magnum Opus of Medieval India
v  Civics: Ch 19. Indian Markets
v  History:  Ch 11. An Architectural Trail
v  Revision Test 4


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